
constable (kon-st[schwa]-b[schwa]l), n. 1. A peace officer responsible for minor judicial duties, such as serving writs and warrants, but with less authority and smaller jurisdiction than a sheriff. 2. In the United Kingdom, a police officer; also, the title of a police officer. [Cases: Sheriffs and Constables 8. C.J.S. Sheriffs and Constables § 20.] — […]

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constable n. (1)治安官员 县、镇、教区维护社会治安的官员,并负责送达和执行法院文书、命令等次要司法事务,其权力和管辖范围小于行政司法长官〔sheriff〕,英国的治安官员曾有高级、初级和特种之分。英、美的治安官员当今一般已被警察或行政司法长官所取代。 (2)〈英〉警察、警官(的称谓) (3)〈英〉(城堡、要塞的)司令官 (4)军事和司法长官;皇家军事总长 英、法王室高级官员,地位仅次于国王,拥有广泛的军事和司法权力,并负责国家治安。中世纪早期在西方许多国家都存在,起初掌管皇家马匹,后在军务方面享有广泛的权力。 (→Constable of England; Constable of Scotland)

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