contiguous (k[schwa]n-tig-yoo-[schwa]s), adj. 1. Touching at a point or along a boundary; ADJOINING (Texas and Oklahoma are contiguous). 2. Near in time or sequence; successive (contiguous thunder and lightning).
contiguous (k[schwa]n-tig-yoo-[schwa]s), adj. 1. Touching at a point or along a boundary; ADJOINING (Texas and Oklahoma are contiguous). 2. Near in time or sequence; successive (contiguous thunder and lightning).
contiguous a. 邻接的;毗连的;相邻的;毗邻的 该词与「附近」〔vicinal〕并非同义词,这里指双方在一点或一条边上相互实际接触形成的相邻。 (→adjacent)