course of performance

course of performance

A sequence of previous performance by either party after an agreement has been entered into, when a contract involves repeated occasions for performance and both parties know the nature of the performance and have an opportunity to object to it. • A course of performance accepted or acquiesced in without objection is relevant to determining […]

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course of performance

course of performance. A sequence of previous performance by either party after an agreement has been entered into, when a contract involves repeated occasions for performance and both parties know the nature of the performance and have an opportunity to object to it. • A course of performance accepted or acquiesced in without objection is

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course of performance

course of performance 履约过程 如果合同涉及到反覆履行,并且双方当事人均明知履行的本质并有机会对之予以反对,那么在合同生效后的一系列履行行为即为履约过程。根据美国《统一商法典》〔U.C.C.〕第2-208条,履约过程应当用于确定双方协议的意思。它与交易过程〔course of dealing〕不同,后者还涉及双方当事人在本合同以前的其他合同中的行为。

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