Court of Archdeacon

Court of Archdeacon 〈英〉执事长法院 教会法院系统中最低级的法院,由主教区执事长〔archdeacon〕主持,对执事长辖区〔archdeaconry〕内的遗嘱检验〔probate〕、遗产管理及教会事务有管辖权,12世纪时还获得了习惯法管辖权,对该法院判决可上诉至主教教区法院〔consistory court or court of the bishop〕。现已废止。 (=archdeacon’s court)

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court of archdeacon

Court of Archdeacon (ahrch-dee-k[schwa]n). Hist. Eccles. law. An inferior ecclesiastical court with juris-diction over cases arising within the archdeaconry and probate matters. • Appeal was to the Bishop’s Court. The Court of Archdeacon was abolished in 1967. — Also termed Archdeacon’s Court; Archdiaconal Court (ahr-k[schwa]-dI-ak-[schwa]n-[schwa]l).

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