decoy, vb. Slang. To entice (a person) without force; to inveigle (the victim was decoyed out of her home) (the defendant was decoyed into the county and then served with process). See ENTRAPMENT.
decoy, vb. Slang. To entice (a person) without force; to inveigle (the victim was decoyed out of her home) (the defendant was decoyed into the county and then served with process). See ENTRAPMENT.
decoy v. 以诡计引诱;勾引;诱骗 指以欺骗而非暴力手段诱惑他人的行为。如将某人诱骗到某法院的管辖范围内以向其送达传票;或将逃犯诱骗到某地以将其逮捕而无需引渡文件;或诱使某人离开其居住地以将其绑架等。警察诱骗不一定构成警察圈套。 n. (1)诱骗者;引人入圈套的人或物 (2)诱擒野水禽的场所;饵兽;鸟媒