divided custody
divided custody 分开监护 指夫妻离婚后对子女监护问题的安排,即双方分开监护,一方在与子女共同生活期间对子女有完全的监护权,另一方则享有探视权,然后改由另一方监护,依此轮流进行。 (→custody)
divided custody 分开监护 指夫妻离婚后对子女监护问题的安排,即双方分开监护,一方在与子女共同生活期间对子女有完全的监护权,另一方则享有探视权,然后改由另一方监护,依此轮流进行。 (→custody)
An arrangement by which each parent has exclusive physical custody and full control of and responsibility for the child part of the time, with visitation rights in the other parent. • For example, a mother might have custody during the school year, and the father might have custody during the summer vacation. [Cases: Child Custody