divisible divorce
divisible divorce 可分割的离婚判决 指离婚判决可分割为两部分,一是解除婚姻关系部分,一是附属于离婚的部分,诸如抚养费、子女监护与探视并将后一部分保留到以后的程序中,而解除婚姻关系并不一定消灭丈夫对前妻的扶养义务。在美国,当法院仅有事物管辖权而缺乏对被告的对人管辖权时,可作出该种判决。
divisible divorce 可分割的离婚判决 指离婚判决可分割为两部分,一是解除婚姻关系部分,一是附属于离婚的部分,诸如抚养费、子女监护与探视并将后一部分保留到以后的程序中,而解除婚姻关系并不一定消灭丈夫对前妻的扶养义务。在美国,当法院仅有事物管辖权而缺乏对被告的对人管辖权时,可作出该种判决。
A divorce whereby the marriage itself is dissolved but the issues incident to the divorce, such as alimony, child custody, and visitation, are reserved until a later proceeding. • This type of divorce can be granted when the court has subject-matter jurisdiction but lacks personal jurisdiction over the defendant-spouse. The doctrine of divisible divorce was