drago doctrine

Drago doctrine. The principle asserted by Luis Drago, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic, in a December 29, 1902 letter to the Argentine Minister in Washington, in which Drago, in response to the forcible coercion of Venezuela’s unpaid loans by Great Britain and others, argued that no public debt should be collected from […]

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Drago doctrine

Drago doctrine 德拉戈主义 阿根廷前外交部长路易斯·马里亚·德拉戈〔Luis Maria Drago〕于1902年12月29日在致阿根廷驻美国公使的信中提出的一种主张。该主张认为欧洲国家无权以武力干涉强迫美洲债务国偿还拖欠欧洲国家国民的国家债务,因为这种武力干涉将危及南美国家的安全与和平。 (→Calvo clause)

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