Escobedo rule

Escobedo rule 〈美〉埃斯科韦多规则 根据该规则,警察在讯问被拘留的嫌疑人时,如果嫌疑人要求获得律师的帮助而被拒绝,且警察亦未告知其有权保持沉默,那么在这种讯问下取得的任何陈述都不得在刑事法庭审判中被采用。该规则源自1964年的Escobedo v. Illinois一案,为米兰达规则〔Miranda Rule〕的前身 。(→effective assistance of counsel; Miranda rule)

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escobedo rule

Escobedo rule (es-k[schwa]-bee-doh).Criminal procedure. The principle that a statement by an unindicted, targeted suspect in police custody is inadmissible at trial unless the police warn the suspect of the right to remain silent and provide an opportunity for the suspect to consult with retained or appointed counsel. • This rule was a precursor to the

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