exclusive control

exclusive control 单独控制 这是适用「事情不言自明」原则〔res ipsa loquitur〕的一个重要前提。指导致损害发生的事物只在被告的控制之下,其他任何个人或实体对其都不能控制。如果该事物处于正常管理状态下,就不会导致损害的发生,则损害发生的事实构成被告未尽适当注意义务的合理证据。

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exclusive control

exclusive control. Under the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, a defendant’s sole management of and responsibility for the instrumentality causing harm. • Exclusive control is a prerequisite to the doctrine’s applicability. See RES IPSA LOQUITUR . [Cases: Negligence 1614. C.J.S. Negligence §§ 763–767.]

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