excusable neglect

excusable neglect

excusable neglect 可原谅的疏忽 指当事人未在适当期限内为适当行为,并非是由于其粗心、不注意或无视法庭的诉讼程序,而是因为出现了某些无法预见或不可避免的意外,或是因为信赖其诉讼代理人的谨慎或对方当事人的允诺而造成的。因此,法律一般都授权法庭允许当事人在应进行该行为的期限届满以后可以继续进行由于出现上述原因而未能进行的行为。

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excusable neglect

A failure — which the law will excuse — to take some proper step at the proper time (esp. in neglecting to answer a lawsuit) not because of the party’s own carelessness, inattention, or willful disregard of the court’s process, but because of some unexpected or unavoidable hindrance or accident or because of reliance on

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