executed trust
executed trust (1)书面订明的信托 指信托意图已经书面订明的信托。 (2)已生效的信托 指信托财产和权益已在设立信托的文书中得到明确限定,并已将信托财产和权益为指定受益人的利益而转移给了受信托人,无需受托人再为某些行为即已生效的信托。
executed trust (1)书面订明的信托 指信托意图已经书面订明的信托。 (2)已生效的信托 指信托财产和权益已在设立信托的文书中得到明确限定,并已将信托财产和权益为指定受益人的利益而转移给了受信托人,无需受托人再为某些行为即已生效的信托。
A trust in which the estates and interests in the subject matter of the trust are completely limited and defined by the instrument creating the trust and require no further instruments to complete them. — Also termed complete voluntary trust.[Cases: Trusts 114. C.J.S. Trover and Conversion § 215.]