expert evidence

expert evidence

Evidence about a scientific, technical, professional, or other specialized issue given by a person qualified to testify because of familiarity with the subject or special training in the field. — Also termed expert testimony. Fed. R. Evid. 702–705. See DAUBERT TEST. [Cases: Criminal Law 469–494; Evidence 505–574. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 853, 1059–1072, 1076–1088; Evidence […]

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expert evidence

expert evidence 〈英〉专家证据 指具有专门知识或技能的人,如医生、精神病专家、药物学家、建筑师、指纹专家等,依其知识或技能对案件中的有关问题提供的意见证据。专家不一定是该专业方面的权威,但在该专业方面必须具备一定的经验和资格。在只有专家意见才能帮助法官或陪审团解决争议问题的情况下,专家意见是可以被采纳为证据的 。(→expert testimony; expert witness)

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