express color

express color

express color (英格兰古法)明示的表见权利 被告为避免因概括答辩而使自己的问题被提交陪审团裁断,而作出原告对争议标的亦享有权利的拟制答辩,从而使争议问题由事实问题转化为法律问题而达到由法官而不是陪审团来裁决的目的。在这一拟制答辩中,被告所称原告享有的权利即为明示的表见权利,而事实上原告的权利在法律上并不成立。

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express color

Hist. A defendant’s admission that the plaintiff has an apparent right to something coupled with an assertion that the plaintiff’s right is legally inferior to the defendant’s right to the same thing. • This pleading was typically used in cases of trespass to land by making fictitious allegations that put the plaintiff’s ownership of the

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