fair comment

fair comment 公正的评论 对有关公众利益的事物和行为的评价,不涉及对个人人格的攻击和关于不道德或不正当动机的论断;在正确引述作品内容且不涉及作者人格的基础上对文字作品出于诚实的观念〔honest opinion〕的评论。「公正的评论」是诽谤之诉中被告人的辩解理由。

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fair comment

fair comment. A statement based on the writer’s or speaker’s honest opinion about a matter of public concern. • Fair comment is a defense to libel or slander. [Cases: Libel and Slander 48(1). C.J.S. Libel and Slander; Injurious Falsehood §§ 91–92, 96, 98, 102–104.]

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