federal common law

federal common law

The body of decisional law derived from federal courts when adjudicating federal questions and other matters of federal concern, such as disputes between the states and foreign relations, but excluding all cases governed by state law. • An example is the nonstatutory law applying to interstate streams of commerce. [Cases: Federal Courts 374.]

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federal common law

federal common law 〈美〉联邦普通法 尽管在美国并不存在区别于各州自己采纳并作为当地的法律适用的国家普通法,不过就美国宪法、条约和法律可依普通法原则来解释而言,的确存在联邦普通法。进言之,在有关实质上涉及联邦政府或部门的利益或责任事务中实体问题的案件里,联邦法院也可以适用普通法原则。但联邦普通法的适用受到伊利原则〔Erie doctrine〕和《裁判规则法》〔Rules of Decision Act〕的限制,即除宪法、美国所订立的条约及国会所制定的法律支配的案件外,联邦法院须适用各州的法律。联邦普通法的适用范围包括联邦专利利益、海事及对外关系。(→common law;Erie v.Tompkins;Rules of Decision Act; Swift v. Tyson Case)

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