fee farm rent
fee-farm rent. 1. The rent reserved, usu. one-fourth or one-third of the land’s value, on granting a fee farm. 2. A rent charge issuing out of a fee estate. 3. A perpetual rent on a conveyance in fee simple.
fee-farm rent. 1. The rent reserved, usu. one-fourth or one-third of the land’s value, on granting a fee farm. 2. A rent charge issuing out of a fee estate. 3. A perpetual rent on a conveyance in fee simple.
fee-farm rent (封建法)永久租佃地的地租 授予永久租佃地时出租人收取的租金,不得超过土地年出产的1/4或1/3,保有人及其后代必须每年交纳,以作为保有永久租佃地的条件,如欠付地租两年以上,出租人或其后代可以提起诉讼请求收回占有。(→rentcharge)