
formedon n. 限嗣土地受赠人令状 英格兰一种古老的权利令状,因限嗣赠与〔gift in tail〕而对土地享有权利的人在该土地被他人非法占有后,可依此令状获得最高的法律救济。这一令状分为三种:限嗣土地受赠人继承令状〔formedon in the descender〕、限嗣土地受赠人剩余地产权令状〔formedon in the remainder〕、限嗣土地回复地产权令状〔formedon in the reverter〕。

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formedon (for-m[schwa]-don). [fr. Latin forma doni “form of the gift”] Hist. A writ of right for claiming entailed property held by another. • A writ of formedon was the highest remedy available to a tenant in tail. — Also termed writ of formedon. [Cases: Real Actions 4.] “Called formedon, because the writ comprehended the form

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