选择法院 英语:forum shopping 法语:choix stratégique d’un “forum”, forum shopping 德语:Aussuchen eines günstigen Gerichtsstandes 意大利语:ricerca del foro più vantaggioso 西班牙语:selección de foro ventajoso
选择法院 英语:forum shopping 法语:choix stratégique d’un “forum”, forum shopping 德语:Aussuchen eines günstigen Gerichtsstandes 意大利语:ricerca del foro più vantaggioso 西班牙语:selección de foro ventajoso
forum-shopping. The practice of choosing the most favorable jurisdiction or court in which a claim might be heard. • A plaintiff might engage in forum-shopping, for example, by filing suit in a jurisdiction with a reputation for high jury awards or by filing several similar suits and keeping the one with the preferred judge. Cf.