fructus naturales
fructus naturales (fr[schwa]k-t[schwa]s nach-[schwa]-ray-leez). [Latin “natural fruits”] The natural produce of land or plants and the offspring of animals. • Fructus naturales are considered part of the real property.
fructus naturales (fr[schwa]k-t[schwa]s nach-[schwa]-ray-leez). [Latin “natural fruits”] The natural produce of land or plants and the offspring of animals. • Fructus naturales are considered part of the real property.
fructus naturales 〈拉〉天然孳息;天然出产物 指仅靠自然力作用的出产物,被认为是其原物的组成部分,如毛、奶、矿物、幼仔等。该词也包括草、灌木、树等有多年生根茎的植物。