gist (jist). 1. The ground or essence (of a legal action) (the gist of the crime). 2. The main point (she skimmed the brief to get the gist of it). • This noun derives from the Law French verb giser “to lie.” See GISER.
gist (jist). 1. The ground or essence (of a legal action) (the gist of the crime). 2. The main point (she skimmed the brief to get the gist of it). • This noun derives from the Law French verb giser “to lie.” See GISER.
gist n. 诉讼根据;诉讼理由 普通法上指诉讼赖以成立的主要根据或理由。美国联邦法院及采用《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕的州法院已不再使用该词。