graft, n. 1. The act of taking advantage of a position of trust to gain money or property dishonestly; esp., a public official’s fraudulent acquisition of public funds. 2. Money or property gained illegally or unfairly.
graft, n. 1. The act of taking advantage of a position of trust to gain money or property dishonestly; esp., a public official’s fraudulent acquisition of public funds. 2. Money or property gained illegally or unfairly.
graft n. (1)用不正当(不合法)的手段谋取的钱财 (2)贪污;受贿 公职人员利用职务上的特殊地位或优势,以窃取、欺诈、骗取等非法手段获得或谋取利益的行为。 (→bribery) (3)确定抵押权 衡平法用语,指设定抵押权时,抵押权人对抵押物只拥有不完整产权,在之后抵押权人取得完整产权时,对原设定的抵押权再重新予以确认。