grand serjeanty

grand serjeanty

Hist. Serjeanty requiring the tenant to perform a service relating to the country’s defense. • The required service could be as great as fielding an army or as small as providing a fully equipped knight. Sometimes the service was ceremonial or honorary, such as carrying the king’s banner or serving as an officer at the […]

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grand serjeanty

grand serjeanty (采邑法)大侍君役土地保有 一种通过履行侍君役而获得土地保有权之保有形式。这种土地保有人应亲自为国王服役,诸如为其持旗、执兵器、担任御马总管、统帅军队、司膳总管及在国王加冕礼上在国王前为其持剑或任宫廷其他任何官职等。大侍君役土地保有与小侍君役土地保有〔petty serjeanty〕不同,因为前者所服劳役是较高贵和荣耀的。这种土地保有形式现在尽管不再是一种骑士役土地保有〔tenure by knight’s service〕,但仍存在,1660年的一部制定法将其转变成了一种自由和普通的农役保有〔socage〕形式,仅保留了那些荣誉性的劳役服务,后得到1925年的《财产法》〔Law of Property Act〕的继续确认。

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