growing crops

growing crop(s)

growing crop(s) 青苗 处于生长过程中的作物。一般被认为是土地的附属物,因此在转让或处分土地时也包括青苗。但是,若土地所有人死前未立遗嘱,则青苗归种植它的人所有。关于尚未长出土层的幼芽以及成熟而未收割的作物是否算作青苗等问题意见尚不一致;牧场上的青草是否为青苗也有不同意见。

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growing crops

Crops that are in the process of growth. • Growing crops are goods under UCC § 2-105(1). Judicial decisions vary on the growth stage at which a crop becomes a growing crop and on whether pasturage grass is a growing crop. Cf. FARM PRODUCT. [Cases: Crops 1. C.J.S. Crops §§ 1–5, 9.]

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