Hague Tribunal

Hague Tribunal 海牙法庭 1根据1899年海牙和平会议制订的《和平解决国际争端公约》〔Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes〕的规定在海牙正式成立的常设仲裁法院。后来根据1907年海牙和平会议修订的《和平解决国际争端公约》作了相应调整。2根据《国际联盟盟约》和《国际常设法院规约》于1922年2月15日在海牙设立的国际常设法院。3作为联合国的司法机构,根据《联合国宪章》和《国际法院规约》于1946年4月3日在海牙正式成立的国际法院。 (→international courts; International Court of Justice)

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hague tribunal

Hague Tribunal. Int’l law. A permanent court of arbitration established by the Hague Peace Conference of 1899 to facilitate immediate recourse to arbitration to settle international differences. • The court was given jurisdiction over all arbitration cases, unless the parties agreed to institute a special tribunal. An international bureau was likewise established to serve as

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