
hanging n. 绞刑 一种死刑执行方法。指用绞索缠绕于受刑者的脖颈将其身体吊起或陷落使其窒息至死。最初,它似乎是对罪犯尸体的一种侮辱刑,后来才演变为一种执行死刑的方法。在英国,绞刑仍然适用于叛逆罪犯,但不适用于任何其它种类的犯罪。在美国也很少被采用,基本由电椅刑或毒刑所取代。

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hanging, n. The act of carrying out an execution by suspending the person above the ground by a rope around the person’s neck. • Death is caused by asphyxiation (by being hoisted from the ground) or by a sudden breaking of the cervical vertebrae (by being dropped from a height).

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