immediate control
immediate control 瞬时控制 这类控制可使司机立即控制车辆的运动,包括在一个有合理技能的司机以合法行驶的车速驾驶性能良好的车辆时,可使车辆停下来的距离内,使车辆停止前进的能力。
immediate control 瞬时控制 这类控制可使司机立即控制车辆的运动,包括在一个有合理技能的司机以合法行驶的车速驾驶性能良好的车辆时,可使车辆停下来的距离内,使车辆停止前进的能力。
immediate control. Criminal procedure. 1. The area within an arrestee’s reach. • A police officer may conduct a warrantless search of this area to ensure the officer’s safety and to prevent the arrestee from destroying evidence. [Cases: Arrest 71.1(5); Automobiles 349.5(10). C.J.S. Arrest §§ 70–71.] 2. Vehicular control that is close enough to allow the