impostor rule
impostor rule 〈美〉冒名人规则 指美国《统一商法典》〔UCC〕第3章第3-405条第 (1)款(a)项,它规定,任何人在以冒名人为收款人而签发的支票上进行的背书,为有效。
impostor rule 〈美〉冒名人规则 指美国《统一商法典》〔UCC〕第3章第3-405条第 (1)款(a)项,它规定,任何人在以冒名人为收款人而签发的支票上进行的背书,为有效。
impostor rule. Commercial law. The principle that an impostor’s indorsement of a negotiable instrument is not a forgery, and that the drawer or maker who issues the instrument to the imposter is negligent and therefore liable to the holder for payment. • If a drawer or maker issues an instrument to an impostor, any resulting