infancy. 1. MINORITY(1). 2. Early childhood. natural infancy. At common law, the period ending at age seven, during which a child was presumed to be without criminal capacity. 3. The beginning stages of anything.
infancy. 1. MINORITY(1). 2. Early childhood. natural infancy. At common law, the period ending at age seven, during which a child was presumed to be without criminal capacity. 3. The beginning stages of anything.
infancy n. (1)未成年 未达法定成年年龄〔legal majority〕的人为未成年人。普通法认为成年年龄为满21岁,现在通常为满18岁。普通法关于刑事责任年龄的划分是:7岁以下为不具有刑事责任能力;7岁至14岁为「推定缺乏刑事责任能力」,即如果在缺乏证据证明有责任能力的情况下就被推定为没有责任能力;14岁以上为完全刑事责任能力。如今,美国许多州通过制定法对刑事责任能力年龄作了一些变动,而且许多司法管辖区采用少年法庭法律规定的年龄界限——必须或可以在少年法庭接受审判的被告必须不满一定的年龄——通常为18岁。由于未成年人生理、心理不成熟,其认识和意志结构不健全,因而成为合法辩护理由之一。 (2)幼年;婴儿期