jail delivery
jail delivery (1)集体脱逃 (2)(古)监狱出空 指提审所有在押的未决犯出监的程序。 (3)(古)提审委任状 指示巡回法官审判所有在押未决犯的委任状。 (4)(古)提审法院 被委以审判所有的一般刑事案件职责的法院。
jail delivery (1)集体脱逃 (2)(古)监狱出空 指提审所有在押的未决犯出监的程序。 (3)(古)提审委任状 指示巡回法官审判所有在押未决犯的委任状。 (4)(古)提审法院 被委以审判所有的一般刑事案件职责的法院。
jail delivery. 1. An escape by several prisoners from a jail. 2. Archaic. A clearing procedure by which all prisoners at a given jail are tried for the offenses that they are accused of having committed. general jail delivery. Collectively, acquittals in high numbers as a result of either lax or reckless administration of the