joint trespass
A trespass that two or more persons have united in committing, or that some have actually committed while others commanded, encouraged, or directed it. [Cases: Trespass 31. C.J.S. Trespass §§ 3, 34.]
A trespass that two or more persons have united in committing, or that some have actually committed while others commanded, encouraged, or directed it. [Cases: Trespass 31. C.J.S. Trespass §§ 3, 34.]
joint trespass 共同非法侵入 指两人或两人以上共同实施的非法侵入他人土地或住宅的行为;或指由其中一人或数人实际实施,而由其余的人命令、怂恿或指示实施的非法侵入行为。