judiciary n. (1)司法部门;司法机关 (2)法院系统;法院体系 (3)〔总称〕法官 a.法院的;司法的;涉及司法机关的
judiciary (joo-dish-ee-er-ee or joo-dish-[schwa]-ree), n. 1. The branch of government responsible for interpreting the laws and administering justice. Cf. EXECUTIVE(1); LEGISLATURE. [Cases: Judges 1. C.J.S. Judges §§ 2–7.] 2. A system of courts. 3. A body of judges. — Also termed (in sense 3) judicature. — judiciary, adj.
司法机关 英语:judiciary 法语:magistrature 德语:Richterschaft, Justiz 意大利语:la magistratura in genere 西班牙语:judicatura