jus relicti
jus relicti 〈拉〉〈苏格兰〉丈夫对亡妻财产的继承权 依照1881年的《已婚妇女财产法》〔Married Women’s Property Act〕,其于有子女时可以继承三分之一;无子女时可以继承二分之一。
jus relicti 〈拉〉〈苏格兰〉丈夫对亡妻财产的继承权 依照1881年的《已婚妇女财产法》〔Married Women’s Property Act〕,其于有子女时可以继承三分之一;无子女时可以继承二分之一。
jus relicti (j[schwa]s ri-lik-tI), n. [Law Latin “right of a widower”] Civil & Scots law. A widower’s right in his deceased wife’s separate movable estate, historically two-thirds if there were surviving children, and otherwise one-half. Under the Married Women’s Property Act of 1881, the amount became one-third in the case of surviving children, and otherwise