Lambeth degree

Lambeth degree 〈英〉(古)兰贝斯学位 指坎特伯雷大主教根据1534年的制定法授予的学位,包括艺术、神学、法律和医学专业。被授予学位者不一定要经过考试,可穿着授予学位的大主教所属的大学(牛津或剑桥)的学位礼袍。被授予兰贝斯医学学位并不立即能使该人有登记开业行医的资格,冒称已登记或已被承认为医生是犯罪行为。此种学位的授予有损于牛津大学和剑桥大学。

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lambeth degree

Lambeth degree (lam-b[schwa]th). Hist. A degree conferred by the Archbishop of Canterbury, rather than by a university, as authorized under the Ecclesiastical Licenses Act of 1533 (25 Hen. 8, ch. 21). • The degrees were conferred in music, theology, law, and medicine.

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