lawburrows (law-b[schwa]r-ohz).Scots law. 1. An action requiring security for the peaceable behavior of a party. 2. Security obtained by a party apprehensive of danger to safeguard the peace.
lawburrows (law-b[schwa]r-ohz).Scots law. 1. An action requiring security for the peaceable behavior of a party. 2. Security obtained by a party apprehensive of danger to safeguard the peace.
lawburrows 〈苏格兰〉法律预保 根据法律或十户联保制作出的一种保证或担保。它是苏格兰法中的一种古老的预防救济措施,现在有时仍被援用。如果一个人有理由或认为他有理由觉察别人将对其人身或财产施加危害,他可以据此要求法院对该人予以警告或令其作出保证,保证不予妨碍或扰乱。