laws of oléron

laws of Oléron (oh-l[schwa]-ron or aw-lay-ron). The oldest collection of maritime laws, thought to be a code existing at Oléron (an island off the coast of France) during the 12th century. • It was introduced into England, with certain additions, in the reign of Richard I (1189–1199).

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Laws of Oleron

Laws of Oleron 《奥列隆法典》 一部被欧洲各国作为本国海商法的依据和基础予以接受的海商法法典。该法典由吉耶纳的埃莱诺〔Eleanor of Guienne〕于12世纪在法国西海岸的奥列隆岛(当时为英王领地)颁布,并在理查一世、亨利三世和爱德华三世时期一直被英格兰采用。

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