legal positivism
legal positivism 法律实证主义 是实证主义运用于法学研究的产物,以奥斯汀〔Austin〕为代表。强调法律就是国家权威机关制定的普遍性规则,是一套民众必须遵守,法院必须支持的实体规则,其实就是作或不作某种行为的命令,不遵守将会受到制裁。
legal positivism 法律实证主义 是实证主义运用于法学研究的产物,以奥斯汀〔Austin〕为代表。强调法律就是国家权威机关制定的普遍性规则,是一套民众必须遵守,法院必须支持的实体规则,其实就是作或不作某种行为的命令,不遵守将会受到制裁。
legal positivism, n. The theory that legal rules are valid only because they are enacted by an existing political authority or accepted as binding in a given society, not because they are grounded in morality or in natural law. • Legal positivism has been espoused by such scholars as H.L.A. Hart. See POSITIVE LAW. Cf.