lenocinium 〈苏格兰〉纵容妻子通奸 指丈夫纵容妻子通奸并分享获利,或以任何手段直接或间接地帮助妻子通奸。因此,在丈夫以妻子有通奸行为为理由提起的离婚诉讼中,妻子可以此作为有效的抗辩理由。
lenocinium 〈苏格兰〉纵容妻子通奸 指丈夫纵容妻子通奸并分享获利,或以任何手段直接或间接地帮助妻子通奸。因此,在丈夫以妻子有通奸行为为理由提起的离婚诉讼中,妻子可以此作为有效的抗辩理由。
lenocinium (lee-noh-sin-ee-[schwa]m), n. [Latin “pandering, brothel-keeping”] 1. Roman law. The crime of prostituting for gain. 2. Roman & Scots law. A husband’s scheming in his wife’s adultery, as by encouraging another man to seduce her. • The wife could assert this claim as a defense in a divorce action brought by the husband.