lex francorum
lex Francorum (leks frang-kor-[schwa]m), n. [Law Latin] The law of the Franks, promulgated by Theodoric I, son of Clovis I, at the same time as the law of Alemanni and Bavaria.
lex Francorum (leks frang-kor-[schwa]m), n. [Law Latin] The law of the Franks, promulgated by Theodoric I, son of Clovis I, at the same time as the law of Alemanni and Bavaria.
Lex Francorum 《法兰克人法》 这是由法兰克国王克洛维一世〔Clovis Ⅰ〕之子狄奥多里克一世〔Theodoric Ⅰ〕颁行的法律,该法与萨利克法〔Salic law〕是不同的汇编集。