libera lex

libera lex (lib-[schwa]r-[schwa] leks), n. [Latin “free law”] Hist. Free law; the law of the land. • This phrase referred to the law enjoyed by free and lawful men, as opposed to men who had lost the benefit and protection of the law as a result of committing crimes. See LIBERAM LEGEM AMITTERE.

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libera lex

libera lex 〈拉〉(英格兰古法) (1)自由人法 该法适用于自由和合法的人,以区别于因犯罪而不受法律保护并丧失法律权益的人。为此,本词语表明自由人的地位,在法律面前是无罪的,并在享有完整的法律保护和权益的意义上是自由的。Amittere liberam legem; to lose one’s free law则指因犯罪或丧失名誉〔infamy〕而失去上述地位。 (2)作为自由人或公民所应享有的一般性权利

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