lien theory

lien theory 〈美〉抵押物优先权理论 这种观点认为,抵押权就相当于优先权,故而抵押权人仅获得对抵押物的优先权,抵押物的普通法与衡平法上的所有权均由抵押人保留,除非发生终止回赎权之情事。美国绝大部分州采此理论。 (→title theory)

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lien theory

lien theory. The idea that a mortgage resembles a lien, so that the mortgagee acquires only a lien on the property and the mortgagor retains both legal and equitable title unless a valid foreclosure occurs. • Most American states — commonly called lien states, lien jurisdictions, or lien-theory jurisdictions — have adopted this theory. Cf.

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