
liquidate v. (1)支付;清偿(债务) (2)(公司等)破产;停业清理;清算;清理(资产、账目、债务等) (3)(通过协商或诉讼)确定(债务等的)金额 (4)(将资产等)变换成现金;变卖 (5)(债务偿还后将剩余资产)分配给股东或所有人(→bankruptcy proceedings;settle;settlement)

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liquidate, vb. 1. To settle (an obligation) by payment or other adjustment; to extinguish (a debt). 2. To ascertain the precise amount of (debt, damages, etc.) by litigation or agreement. 3. To determine the liabilities and distribute the assets of (an entity), esp. in bankruptcy or dissolution. 4. To convert (a nonliquid asset) into cash.

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