loan for use

loan for use. An agreement by which a lender delivers an asset to a borrower who must use it according to its normal function or according to the agreement, and who must return it when finished using it. • No interest is charged.

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loan for use

loan for use 使用借贷;借用 指双方达成协议,由一方将某物(动产)提供给另一方,另一方按照该物的自然属性或按协议约定使用,借用方在用毕后将原物归还,不必支付使用费。使用借贷与消费借贷的区别在于:1使用借贷必须返还特定物,消费借贷返还种类物;2使用借贷中物的所有权仍属于出借人,而消费借贷中物的所有权转移给借用人。 (→commodatum;mutuum)

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