mann act

Mann Act. A federal law, enacted originally in 1948, that criminalizes the transportation of any person in interstate or foreign commerce for prostitution or similar sexual activities. 18 USCA § 2421. — Also termed White Slave Traffic Act. [Cases: Prostitution 1. C.J.S. Prostitution and Related Offenses §§ 2–4, 8–13, 17, 21–24.]

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Mann Act

Mann Act 〈美〉《曼恩法》 是最初制定于1948年的联邦法。该法禁止在州际或对外贸易中以卖淫或淫乱等非法或不道德目的贩运妇女或少女,并确定其为犯罪行为。(=White Slave Traffic Act)

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