manorial extent
manorial extent. Hist. A survey of a manor by a jury of tenants, giving the numbers and names of tenants, the size of their holdings, the kind of tenure, and the kind and amount of the tenants’ services.
manorial extent. Hist. A survey of a manor by a jury of tenants, giving the numbers and names of tenants, the size of their holdings, the kind of tenure, and the kind and amount of the tenants’ services.
manorial extent (英格兰古法)庄园封地评估;庄园封地评估报告 由庄园内地产保有人组成的陪审团对庄园内每块保有地进行丈量与评估,确定保有地的性质,对领主应尽义务的类别和数量。此项评估是为领主的利益而进行的,但又意味着保有人只负担确定的义务,不多不少,即使是公簿地产保有人也如此。