
marescallus 〈拉〉 (1)弼马温;御马监 (2)军事总长 负责监视敌情,选择扎营地点,整编队伍以准备战斗,因这最后一项职责如同御马监编排马匹一样而得此名。这一职位仅次于皇室治安总长〔comes stabuli; constable〕。 (3)财政署官员之一 (4)庄园内的房屋护理官

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marescallus (mar-[schwa]-skal-[schwa]s), n. [Law Latin] 1. A marshal; a high royal officer. — Also termed mareschal. 2. A master of the stables. 3. A military officer, similar to a constable, who acted as quartermaster. 4. An officer of the Court of Exchequer. 5. A state officer. 6. An officer of a manor.

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