maritime law

maritime law 海商法;海事法 调整船舶从事海上客货运输中产生的权利、义务关系的法律,其内容涉及港口、船舶、船员、运输合同、船舶租用合同、船舶碰撞、海难救助、共同海损、海事赔偿等。英格兰的海商法由海事判例、惯例、原则、学说及中世纪的奥列隆法、维斯比法等组成,无系统的海商法典;美国海商法以一般海商法为基础,但须转化为联邦制定法或法院判例才能适用。现代海商法包括众多国际海事公约。

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maritime law

maritime law. The body of law governing marine commerce and navigation, the carriage at sea of persons and property, and marine affairs in general; the rules governing contract, tort, and workers’-compensation claims or relating to commerce on or over water. — Also termed admiralty; admiralty law; sea law. Cf. GENERAL MARITIME LAW; LAW OF THE

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