marketable title
marketable title 可转让的产权 指在法律上和事实上无任何负担和瑕疵的产权,可以即时出售或抵押给他人。在产权所有人介绍产权状况后,任何智力正常和具有一般谨慎的买主都不会对这种财产权转让的有效性持合理的怀疑,从而同意签约。
marketable title 可转让的产权 指在法律上和事实上无任何负担和瑕疵的产权,可以即时出售或抵押给他人。在产权所有人介绍产权状况后,任何智力正常和具有一般谨慎的买主都不会对这种财产权转让的有效性持合理的怀疑,从而同意签约。
A title that a reasonable buyer would accept because it appears to lack any defect and to cover the entire property that the seller has purported to sell; a title that enables a purchaser to hold property in peace during the period of ownership and to have it accepted by a later purchaser who employs