mind and memory
mind and memory 意识与记忆 在普通法中,「意识」与「记忆」两个概念可以互换,因为无「记忆」就没有「意识」可言。此词组用于遗嘱人时,指有立遗嘱的意识能力,即遗嘱人能理解其行为性质,能回忆其欲处分的财产,能确定受遗赠人及在受遗赠人间如何分配该财产。
mind and memory 意识与记忆 在普通法中,「意识」与「记忆」两个概念可以互换,因为无「记忆」就没有「意识」可言。此词组用于遗嘱人时,指有立遗嘱的意识能力,即遗嘱人能理解其行为性质,能回忆其欲处分的财产,能确定受遗赠人及在受遗赠人间如何分配该财产。
mind and memory. Archaic. A testator’s mental capacity to make a will (she argued that her uncle was not of sound mind and memory when executing the will because he had Alzheimer’s disease). • This phrase was generally used as part of the phrase of sound mind and memory, referring to the capacity of a