minor dispute
minor dispute 〈美〉次要争议 根据《铁路劳工法》〔Railway Labor Act〕,指就集体合同的解释或适用而发生的争议,与主要争议〔major dispute〕相对。 (→major dispute)
minor dispute 〈美〉次要争议 根据《铁路劳工法》〔Railway Labor Act〕,指就集体合同的解释或适用而发生的争议,与主要争议〔major dispute〕相对。 (→major dispute)
Labor law. Under the Railway Labor Act, a disagreement about the interpretation or application of a collective-bargaining agreement, as opposed to a disagreement over the formation of a new agreement. 45 USCA § 155. [Cases: Labor Relations 414. C.J.S. Labor Relations §§ 405, 408–412.]